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How Does Animal Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber work? (Latest Guide 2020)

By hqt / June 27, 2020

Pros and cons of Veterinary Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber

Animal Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber

What is an Animal Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber?

Animal Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber is actually a sealed space.  In which it makes possible to obtain a surroundings air pressure. A pressure which is higher than climatic pressure. And in which the patient breathes a gas (most often oxygen) or gas mixture of which the properties are for curing purposes.

What are the indications for using Animal Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber?

Doctors use this room to treat animals with pathology. And also, for aptitude tests. They use it for regarding the main pathologies. They use it for emergency and revival signs. And these signs are:

  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Decompression sickness (diving accident)
  • Air embolism
  • Some types of critical deafness
  • Certain types of bacterial infections
  • Some deep or major burns
  • Certain frightening injuries
  • Skin healing on specific areas
  • Restoration of damaged tissue
  • Taking tissue transplants

Here we will discuss three types of therapies which doctors treat in Animal Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber.

And these are:

  • Carbon monoxide and oxygen therapy
  • Hyperbaric chamber accelerates healing
  • Carbon monoxide and oxygen therapy

How does a session in an Animal Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber work?

Generally, a session takes place in three stages.

Furthermore, the detail description these stages are:

  1. A compression stage is of almost 15 minutes. And the pressure in the chamber can rise up to 6 times climatic pressure
  2. A plateau stageis under the desired pressure. Which is very variable that starts from 15 minutes to several hours.
  3. A 15-minute decompression stageis that, it returns to normal climatic pressure.

How does this oxygenation in Animal Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber affect tissues? And what the effects which we expect?


This oxygenation has 4 types of qualities:

An effect of reoxygenation of tissues or cells in oxygen deficiency

  • A circulatory effect:the pressurized O2 acts on the circulatory flow of blood vessels. For the purpose to bring a maximum of blood circulation on injured areas. So that it can reduce the flow of healthy areas of the body.
  • A bactericidal, anti-infectious effectagainst certain germs

An effect of stimulation of various cells of the organism. And stimulation of certain factors in order to obtain new blood flows in poorly oxygenated areas.

Few side- effects of Animal Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber?

Are there any contraindications?

  • No, there are few contraindications:
  • Pregnant woman except in certain cases
  • Claustrophobia
  • Shock
  • Presence of a gastric band

What about side effects after a session in an Animal Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber?

Furthermore, there are some side effects which we observe in some cases:

  • Barotraumatic otitis media, due to overpressure. Because it is a bit like on an airplane or a dive in a pool when the ears “plug” and become painful
  • Myopia (changeable effect)
  • Shortness of breath due to lung damage (rare)
  • Crisis of epilepsy due to breathing of pure oxygen in overpressure (rare)

Certain fibromyalgia treated in the Animal Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber

Do you think that in future years this method can still progress?

Yes, because the aspect of wound healing and tissue repair of HBOT is poorly understood. And many doctors believe that the signs for HBOT are limited only in these cases like:

  • diving accidents
  • carbon monoxide.

Furthermore, certain pathologies have shown a positive reaction to HBOT. The currently well-known example is that of certain severe forms of fibromyalgia. Which resistant to rigid treatments.

What are the difficulties encountered for this type of installation?

At present, there are only about twenty Animal Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber in France. Because the cost of this kind of material reaches 1.5 million euros for 2 chambers of 8 places.

Animal Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber in china

Furthermore, there is a need for dual training of adult like:

  • nursing staff
  • in addition to nursing or doctor’s diplomas
  • Must also hold a hyperbaric certificate issued by the Ministry of Industry.

Are hyperbaric chambers destined to develop in China?

Yes, animal Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber remains a little-known and unreachable specialty due to the small number of hyperbaric centers. But whose therapeutic signs deserve to be specified and developed.

In addition to traditional medical or surgical treatments, HBOT would certainly facilitate the healing of certain serious forms of outdated disease. And thereby improving the quality of life of patients while allowing relative savings in health costs.

Oxygen is the source of life. Hence on this question there is no doubt. But what could happen if we provide our bodies with more oxygen than our biology is used to?

The hyperbaric chamber brings us more and more answers on the question.

Another frequently asked question: Why not just use an oxygen concentrator to increase our oxygen level? It is all a question of the change in climatic pressure that we manage to achieve in an animal Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber, pressure that cannot be reached with only an oxygen concentrator

What is oxygen therapy performed in Animal Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber?

For bringing oxygen to the body through the respiratory system, doctors aim oxygen therapy.  Moreover, remember that oxygen is an essential element for life.

From the respiratory system to the rest of the body, It has transported in the blood by hemoglobin. Thus, the cell supplied with oxygen can use it to produce energy. And also essential for their functioning.

Generally, Oxygen therapy can take place in hospitals (most often) or at home, in the event of an outdated problem (chronic respiratory failure).

Oxygen can be supplied by nasal probe, via a mask or by placing the patient in a box provided for this purpose.

Norm baric or hyperbaric oxygen therapy: what differences?

Norm baric oxygen therapy is a method of artificially supplying a patient with oxygen at pressure at atmospheric pressure.

As for the animal Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber, this involves breathing oxygen to a patient who happens to be placed in a chamber provided for this purpose. The oxygen administered is at a pressure higher than normal atmospheric pressure.

The benefits of oxygen therapy in Animal Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber

The animal Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber delivery device consists of a nasal probe, or a mask. Moreover, most often, this is to correct hypoxemia (ie a decrease in the amount of oxygen transported in the blood) or hypercapnia (ie an excessive presence of CO2 in the blood).

The technique of hyperbaric oxygen therapy shows benefits to treat many ailments and conditions. Let us quote:

  • decompression sickness (diving accidents);
  • carbon monoxide poisoning;
  • gas embolism, i.e. the presence of gas bubbles in the bloodstream;
  • certain infections
  • a skin graft that heals poorly;
  • thermal burn;
  • an intracranial abscess, that is, an accumulation of pus in the brain;
  • Or even a significant loss of blood.

How is an oxygen therapy in Animal Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber session?

A animal Hyperbaric Oxygen chambers session usually lasts 90 minutes and takes place in several stages:

  • slow compression, usually corresponding to 1 meter per minute – it is as if the patient was diving into the depths at this speed, the pressure slowly increases;
  • a stage during which the patient breathes oxygen (the pressure and the duration vary according to the pathology from which he suffers);
  • Decompression, i.e. a slow return to atmospheric pressure.

During the session, the patient is meticulously monitored (temperature, electrocardiogram, etc.).

How many annual treatments are involved in all of the 19 departments you cover?

6,500 sessions had performed in 2014, a figure which is increasing sharply (1).

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