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Things To Know To Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Therapy Complications

By hqt / October 8, 2020

How to Avoid Complications and Side Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Therapy?

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Therapy is an FDA approved effective way to treat a number of diseases with limited sided effects. However, to avoid its complications, you need to ensure that the process and procedure are correct.

There are several things that require consideration. Below, we will talk about different complications of HBOT and things that you should do to avoid them. So, without any further delay, let us get started!

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Therapy

The therapy involves breathing oxygen at a pressurized environment that is above the sea level. In most cases, the chamber pressure is 1.5 to 3 times greater than the normal sea level pressure. There are different types of hyperbaric products available.

The type of product and the pressure amount depends upon the patient’s condition and the doctor’s suggestion. Even though it is an effective medical treatment for a number of things. However, if not done properly, it can cause some possible complications.

What are the Side Effects of HBOT?

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Therapy

Chamber Discomfort

The HBOT cambers are designed to ensure that pressure within them stays as per needed as to ensure that the users are able to breathe in 100 percent oxygen. However, the same pressure that allows the oxygen to effectively enter the person’s body, it can also cause some discomfort.

HBOT varies from patient to patient. It can be shorter than 5 minutes or as long as 2 hours. Since there is a lot of pressure in the chamber, thus people might not be comfortable. Some complaint about a popping feeling in their ears or they have ear pain.

Oxygen Poison

To prevent oxygen poison, it is important for you to take short breaks during your session. Breathe normally for effective results. Doing this would prevent your body tissues to intake a lot of oxygen. Moreover, the dose of treatment greatly depends on every person.

Therefore, you need to be clear to your health provider regarding any health issues. Giving him the correct information regarding your health condition would help them determine the right HBOT dose for you.

Doing it the right way would even minimize the risk of HBOT complications and side effects.

Common side effects include light-headedness and fatigue. However, more severe complications include the following:

  1. Sinus Damage
  2. Lung Damage
  3. Fluid Bursting or Build up in the middle of your ear.
  4. Myopia
  5. Resulting in nearsightedness
  6. Changes in your vision
  7. Oxygen Poisoning – fluid accumulates in the lungs or seizures.

However, it is possible to minimize or completely eliminate these side effects as long as your therapy doesn’t last for more than 2 hours. Also, the pressure within the chamber is three times more than the normal atmospheric pressure.

Things to Know Before You Start Your Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Therapy

Since you are now aware of the HBOT side effects, and possible complications. Thus, you should know the things below to make the right decision.

If Sick Avoid Appointments

In case you are not feeling well, you need to skip your appointments. In case, you have cold, fever, loose stools, high blood pressure, or flue like symptoms, it is better not to go for your HBOT session. It is wise to consult your doctor and tell me how you are feeling before making an appearance for your session.


Since the therapy changes your oxygen level, thus it would alter how certain medicines would affect you. Do bear in mind that there are a number of medications that you cannot take while you are taking your therapy.

For instance, during the treatment, it is better to avoid something like chemotherapies. Likewise, you need to prevent any medicine that does not let your intake alcohol. So, make sure that you talk to your health care providers and physicians about all the drugs that you are talking about.

Number of Therapies Depend upon your Conditions

The time of a hyperbaric oxygen chamber therapy greatly depends upon the patient. One session can last for a maximum of 2 hours and your doctor could recommend numerous sessions. So, you need to keep in mind that you might have to spend extra time then you anticipated in order for the treatment to be complete.

An Airplane Feel

According to some people, when you enter the chamber and the initial feeling is that you are on a flying plane. So, the increase in the chamber pressure would lead to an increase of pressure within your ears.

This then leads to that ear-popping sensation that people often complain about. Thus, the health care provider or the doctor would have some precautions in place to avoid the patient from any sort of discomfort.

A good idea is to discuss all this with your physician and the hyperbaric oxygen chamber therapy service providers. Talk to them about your concerns and let them help you solve your issues. Doing this would help you have a better knowledge of how things would progress and what you should expect.

Important Precautions

The only and the best way to minimize complications and side effects is to take the HBOT treatment for a trained and certified medical staff. Make sure that these health care providers are board-certified in this respective field.

 Uses of HBOT 

Another way to prevent HBOT complications is to use it just for its intended purpose. You can use HBOT for the following conditions

  1. Cyanide Poisoning
  2. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
  3. Injury caused due to crushing
  4. Decompression sickness
  5. Gas Gangrene
  6. Inadequate blood flow in your arteries due to trauma
  7. Skin flaps and grafts
  8. Select wound healing
  9. Osteomyelitis – a bone infection
  10. Delayed radiation injury
  11. Actinomycosis- a long term infection
  12. Gas or Air Embolism — Bubble – gas or air—trapped within the blood vessel.
  13. Necrotizing Bacterial—soft tissue infections
  14. Diabetic wounds that are taking too long to heal

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Therapy manufacturers

Take Away

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber therapy is an effective way to treat a number of medical issues. However, it is important to use the right HBOT service provider. Macy Pan has been providing outstanding HBOT services.

Their state-of-the-art hyperbaric chamber oxygen products yield highly effective and efficient results. For more information, you should contact them today.

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